"Happiness arises in meaningful action"
Eberhard von Kuehnheim



Our Services

The focus of Rott GmbH is in the areas of design, planning and project management of commercial kitchens for restaurants, hotels and catering. We coverall phases of the HOAI from basic conceptual planning to full service.

Professional kitchen planning is essential. Not the number and size of the equipment is important, but the optimization to the economical requirements. Efficiency is only achieved by providing customized and tailored design which is very individual.

Every kitchen design is unique. Understanding, controlling and coordinating communication flow between all service providers optimally requires a lot of experience as it is a living process.

Sectoral planning:

  • All phases according to HOAI
  • All Departments Gastronomy / and kitchen equipment
  • Object Design and Decoration

Planning advice:

  • Location analysis, market research
  • Concept of operations,
    carrier selection
  • Test planning and opinion
  • Employee training
  • Optimization analysis


Our Partner
Gastronomy advice from professionals
